The Urgent Need for an Audit: Senator Prince Y. Johnson’s Call for Accountability in Liberia

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In a compelling sermon delivered on Sunday, November 26, 2023, at Faith Chapel in Paynesville City, Senator Prince Y. Johnson of Nimba County passionately urged President-elect Joseph N. Boakai to prioritize an audit of the outgoing George Weah-led government when he assumes office in January 2024. Senator Prince Johnson believes that a thorough audit is essential for the new government to understand the state of affairs, rectify past mistakes, and make informed decisions for the nation’s future.

The Call for Accountability:

Senator Prince Johnson, a prominent figure in Liberian politics, expressed concern about the potential consequences of failing to audit the George Weah-led government. He emphasized that public trust could be eroded if the new administration is perceived as having close ties to the previous government without a proper accountability process in place. He warned that six years in office is not a long time and that the incoming government, often referred to as the ‘Rescue Missionaries,’ should give serious thought to conducting a comprehensive audit.

Corruption and the Need for Transparency:

Highlighting the issue of corruption, Senator Prince Johnson underscored the historical tendency of leaders evading scrutiny by exploiting the absence of audit reports. He argued that the fight against corruption must begin with a comprehensive audit, bringing accountability to the forefront. Despite acknowledging some accomplishments of President George Weah, Senator Prince Johnson expressed disappointment with the alleged misuse of public funds for personal gain, diverting attention from national development.

A Plea for Justice and Transparency:

Senator Prince Johnson’s call for an audit is not limited to financial matters. He also urged the establishment of a commission of inquiry to investigate the mysterious deaths of auditors and other prominent figures in Liberian history. He believes that uncovering the truth behind these incidents and examining the overall state of affairs will contribute to greater transparency and justice in the country.

Destiny, Faith, and Ethical Leadership:

Drawing on biblical references, Senator Prince Johnson emphasized the importance of leaders maintaining their own thinking faculties and being guided by a strong moral compass. He likened a leader to a ladder, suggesting that without proper maintenance (accountability), a leader cannot help the nation climb higher. He urged President-elect Joseph Boakai to prioritize the audit and commission of inquiry, emphasizing their role in building a more accountable and transparent government.


Senator Prince Y. Johnson’s passionate plea for an audit of the George M. Weah-led government reflects a broader call for accountability, transparency, and justice in Liberia. As the nation prepares for a new era under President-elect Joseph N. Boakai, the emphasis on ethical leadership and adherence to principles is crucial for effective governance. The proposed audit and commission of inquiry are seen as essential steps toward building a more accountable and transparent government, ensuring that the mistakes of the past are not repeated, and the nation can move forward with renewed confidence and integrity.

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