Taylor Swift Reigns Supreme: Spotify’s Wrapped 2023 Unveils the Year’s Music Highlights

As the year draws to a close, music enthusiasts around the world eagerly anticipate Spotify’s annual Wrapped roundup, a comprehensive reflection of the year’s musical landscape. The 2023 edition did not disappoint, offering a fascinating glimpse into the preferences of millions of Spotify users and highlighting the undeniable reign of Taylor Swift. Swift, a global […]

The Struggle of Liberian Artists: Political Campaigns and the Ignored Economic Impact

In the heart of West Africa lies Liberia, a country with a rich cultural heritage and a vibrant artistic community. However, despite the creative prowess of Liberian artists, they find themselves grappling with the consequences of a weak legal framework and lack enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). This article explores the aftermath of Liberian […]

Spoon Talkshow Dominates Post-Election Analysis: A Comparative Look at Liberian Talkshow Platforms

In the dynamic landscape of Liberian talkshows, one platform continues to stand out as the frontrunner in post-election result analysis: the Spoon Talkshow. As Liberia grapples with the aftermath of a closely watched election, the battle for viewership supremacy is evident, with Spoon Talkshow maintaining its lead over rivals like The Closing Argument and the […]