Contractors Lock Down Liberia Agency for Community Empowerment (LACE) Offices, Demand Payment for Weah Project

In a dramatic turn of events, local construction companies contracted by the Liberia Agency for Community Empowerment (LACE) have locked down the agency’s offices, demanding payment for their work on the Presidential County Tour Projects, commonly referred to as the “Weah Project.” The move comes as a manifestation of growing frustrations among the contractors who […]

Addressing Liberian Communities: President-elect Boakai’s Gratitude and Vision for Liberia’s Future

In a formal welcoming program organized by the JNB Movement New England Chapter, President-elect Joseph Nyuma Boakai, Sr. expressed profound gratitude to the Liberian diaspora in Providence, Rhode Island, for their instrumental role in the recently concluded elections. The event, attended by various Liberian community leaders, showcased the unity and strength of the diaspora across […]

Diplomatic Controversy: Calls Mount for Recall and Dismissal of Liberian Diplomat Who Voted Against UN Resolution on Israel-Gaza War

A diplomatic storm is brewing in Liberia as calls intensify for the recall and dismissal of a Liberian diplomat who voted against a United Nations resolution aimed at bringing an end to the Israel-Gaza conflict. The controversy has sparked a heated debate both within Liberia and beyond, with prominent figures, including Montserrado District 8 outgoing […]

Sanctioned Liberian Officials Yet to Go Scot-Free as Congress Passes Landmark Law Enabling U.S. Government to Prosecute Foreign Corrupt Officials

In a historic move, the United States Congress has recently approved the Foreign Extortion Prevention Act (FEPA) as part of the annual defense spending bill, the National Defense Authorization Act. This groundbreaking legislation marks a significant milestone in the global fight against corruption by criminalizing the act of foreign officials demanding or accepting bribes from […]

President-elect Joseph Boakai’s Diplomatic Engagements with U.S. Officials Ahead of Inauguration

President-elect Joseph Boakai of Liberia is set to engage in a series of high-profile meetings with officials of the United States government this week, laying the groundwork for strengthened diplomatic ties between the two nations. Boakai’s well-structured itinerary reflects a commitment to addressing various critical issues and building on the existing relationship between the U.S. […]

Controversial Revelation Surrounds Monrovia City Mayor’s Official Phone Number in Ongoing Trial

In a surprising turn of events during the trial of Monrovia City Mayor Jefferson Tamba Koijee, it has been revealed that the official number (0779229900) he provided to the court is registered in the name of a female, not in his own name as Jefferson T. Koijee. This revelation surfaced through the Orange call log, […]

Deputy Speaker Fonati Koffa’s Strategic Shift Amidst Changing Political Tides

In the wake of the GloMag Sanction’s impact on President George Manneh Weah and his inner circle, Deputy Speaker Fonati Johnathan Koffa appears to be reconsidering his bid for Speaker of the House of Representatives. Recent developments suggest a potential pivot towards building a closer relationship with President-elect Amb. Joseph Nyumah Boakai. Currently situated in […]

Senator Saah Hardy Joseph Eyes Senate Pro-Tempore Position

Montserrado County Senator Saah Hardy Joseph, a seasoned politician with two terms as the elected Representative of District #13 and currently serving his second term as Senator, has set his sights on the prestigious position of Senate Pro-Tempore. Holding the Chair on Executive in the Liberian Senate, Senator Joseph’s political trajectory within the Congress for […]

US Presidential Candidate Rollan Roberts Criticizes Sanctions Against Liberian Officials

In a recent statement, US Presidential candidate Rollan Roberts condemned the imposition of sanctions by the United States against several Liberian officials, including Finance Minister Samuel Tweah. The sanctions, which involve a lifetime ban on travel to the US and the use of the US financial banking system, have sparked controversy and criticism from Roberts, […]

Promoting Peace: President George M. Weah’s Call for Unity and Reflection in Liberia

In a recent address to the congregation at Forky Klon, President George M. Weah emphasized the paramount importance of preaching peace in Liberia. Acknowledging the significance of religious institutions, he began by expressing his gratitude for the opportunity to gather in the house of the Lord with fellow Liberians. President Weah asserted that peace is […]