Dr. Lester Z. Tenny Criticizes President George Manneh Weah’s Leadership in the CDC

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In recent statements, Dr. Lester Z. Tenny, a prominent figure within the political landscape of Liberia, has voiced strong opinions about President George Manneh Weah’s leadership within the Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) party. Tenny contends that Weah’s tenure as the leader of the CDC has been marked by shortcomings, labeling him as an “error” and an “ingrate.” Let’s explore the key points raised by Dr. Lester Z. Tenny and the implications of his criticisms.

Weah as an Error and Ingrate:

Dr. Lester Z. Tenny did not mince words when expressing his views on President Weah’s role within the CDC. Referring to him as an “error” suggests that Tenny believes Weah’s leadership has deviated from the party’s intended path or vision. Additionally, labeling Weah an “ingrate” implies a lack of gratitude or acknowledgment on the part of the President towards the CDC and its members who played a crucial role in his political rise.

Accusations of Worst Leadership:

Tenny’s bold claim that George Weah represents the “worst leadership” Liberia has ever experienced is a serious allegation. While it is common for political figures to face criticism, such strong language raises questions about the specific aspects of Weah’s leadership that Tenny finds lacking. These accusations demand a closer examination of the policies, decisions, and actions that have contributed to such a negative assessment.

CDCians Left in Pawn and Jobless:

One of the most concerning aspects of Dr. Tenny’s statements is his assertion that President Weah has left CDC members in a vulnerable position, referring to them as being “left in pawn” and predicting joblessness. This claim suggests a disillusionment within the party and raises questions about the impact of Weah’s leadership on the party’s internal dynamics and the livelihoods of its members.

Tragic Failure and Insincerity:

The characterization of President Weah as a “tragic failure” is a harsh evaluation of his overall performance. Dr. Tenny seems to attribute the perceived failure to insincerity on Weah’s part. The allegation of untold wealth accumulating for Weah and his family further adds a layer of complexity to the criticism, hinting at potential corruption or financial improprieties.

Blaming CDC Leadership:

Dr. Tenny accuses President Weah of deflecting blame onto the CDC party leadership for the challenges faced during his tenure. This suggests a lack of accountability on Weah’s part and implies that he may be unwilling to accept responsibility for the perceived failures of his administration.


Dr. Lester Z. Tenny’s scathing critique of President George Manneh Weah’s leadership within the CDC has ignited a conversation about the state of the party and the direction in which it is heading. Whether these criticisms will lead to meaningful change within the CDC or impact President Weah’s political future remains to be seen. As Liberia approaches the January 2024 inauguration, the political landscape is undoubtedly influenced by the tension and dissent within one of the country’s major political parties.

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