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JNB storms District #4 to a cheering supporters and natural followers, rallies the district and Liberians at large to reject the clueless and roguish government of George Weah in 2023

Monrovia-Liberia, October 1, 2023: The Standard Bearer of the opposition Unity Party Amb. Joseph Nyumah Boakai has described as woeful the depth at which the country governance system has descended under the CDC-led government.

Making reference to President Weah’s recent statement that likened Monrovia to the city of Miami in the US, the Unity Party Leader said President George Weah is living in a massive bubble which has impaired his vision on the harsh conditions ordinary Liberians are enduring, and the deplorable state of affairs of the country under his leadership.

The former Vice President made the statement to a crowd of supporters when he visited Soul Clinic Community in district # 4 Montserrado County on Saturday October 1.

The UP strong man bemoaned the complex economic situation ordinary citizens are faced with, pointing specifically to the recent increase in the prices of rice and other commodities on the Liberian market. He said the inability of the government to provide redress to the shortage of rice on the Liberian market is a product of bad governance, gross incompetence, corruption and reckless handling of the state of affairs in the country.

Amb Boakai assured Liberians that under his leadership as President of Liberia, he will ensure the country will be placed on the trajectory of sound economic growth; that the Liberian economic will be very responsive to the needs of Liberians, “People don’t understand that leadership is about the people. These people from the other side have dragged this country down to it lowest, but I assure you all, my leadership will not leave this country the same way.”

He called on all well meaning Liberians to treat the pending 2023 general and presidential elections with utmost urgency and seriousness.

He added that Liberians must decide if they are happy with the state of affairs of the country under Mr. Weah leadership or want to part ways with entrenched corruption, nepotism, incompetence and the erosion of all good governance practices instituted by the Unity Party led government before the CDC took state power in 2018.

The UP Standard Bearer encouraged all Liberians feeling the brunt of Mr. Weah’s leadership to remain strong, courageous and make sure to vote against the CDC-led government in 2023.

-UP Public Affairs Bureau-


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