Unethical Tactics Unveiled: Failed Character Assassination Attempt on Amb. Joseph N. Boakai Sparks Outrage

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In the lead-up to the Liberian presidential election, the political landscape has taken an unsavory turn with the revelation of a failed character assassination attempt on Amb. Joseph N. Boakai. The ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) reportedly enlisted the services of Henry P. Costa to join the Closing Argument talkshow, hosted by Keff Hassan, Ben Sanvee, Tomalin George, and Henry Peabody. Their alleged mission was to denigrate Amb. Joseph Boakai’s health and age, aiming to make him unpopular and subject him to public ridicule. This unethical strategy has not only raised eyebrows but has also sparked widespread condemnation.

The Orchestrated Character Assassination

Reports suggest that the CDC strategically recruited Henry P. Costa, a controversial figure known for his sharp rhetoric, to spearhead a character assassination campaign against Amb. Joseph Boakai. Henry Costa, along with the Closing Argument talkshow hosts, allegedly sought to exploit Boakai’s age and health as a means to diminish his credibility and popularity in the eyes of the public.

Targeting Amb. Joseph Boakai’s Health and Age

The attempt to undermine Amb. Joseph Boakai’s candidacy by targeting his health and age is a clear deviation from the principles of fair play and healthy political discourse. Critics argue that resorting to personal attacks instead of addressing policy issues demonstrates a lack of substantive arguments against Boakai’s candidacy. Such tactics not only tarnish the reputation of those involved but also contribute to a toxic political environment.

Widespread Condemnation

The revelation of this character assassination attempt has sparked outrage from various quarters. Civil society organizations, political commentators, and concerned citizens have voiced their disapproval of these unethical tactics. Many argue that the focus should be on policy discussions and addressing the challenges facing Liberia rather than engaging in personal attacks that distract from the real issues.

Impact on Democratic Values

The use of character assassination tactics has raised concerns about the state of democratic values in Liberia. A healthy democracy relies on open and fair discussions, where candidates can present their visions and policies without fear of personal attacks. The failed attempt to denigrate Amb. Joseph Boakai highlights the need for a more mature and issue-focused political discourse that promotes transparency and accountability.

Calls for Accountability

In the wake of this revelation, there are growing calls for accountability. Critics argue that those involved in orchestrating this character assassination attempt should be held responsible for undermining the democratic process. The call is not just for a condemnation of such tactics but for concrete actions that discourage the use of personal attacks and foster a more constructive political environment.


The failed character assassination attempt on Amb. Joseph N. Boakai, orchestrated by individuals associated with the CDC, has cast a shadow over the political landscape in Liberia. It underscores the need for a more ethical and issue-centric approach to political campaigning. As the nation prepares for the upcoming election, it is crucial for political actors to focus on policies and ideas that will shape Liberia’s future, rather than resorting to divisive tactics that erode the principles of fair play and democratic discourse.

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