Ruling CDC Accuses the ECC Head of Collaborating with the Opposition UP in their ‘War Room’ But ECC Denies the Allegation

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In the midst of Liberia’s political landscape, a recent controversy has emerged as the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) accuses the head of the Election Coordinating Committee (ECC) of alleged collaboration with the opposition Unity Party. The CDC claims that the ECC head is operating within the confines of the opposition’s ‘war room,’ suggesting potential bias and manipulation in the electoral process. However, the ECC vehemently denies these accusations, labeling a circulating video as fake and emphasizing its commitment to impartiality.

Accusations by the Coalition for Democratic Change:

The CDC, in a press conference held on Thursday, November 7, 2023, presented what it claims to be evidence of the ECC head’s involvement in the opposition Unity Party’s ‘war room.’ The ruling party argues that such alleged collaboration undermines the credibility of the ECC and raises concerns about the impartiality of the upcoming elections. The accusations have ignited a new wave of political tension, with both sides engaging in heated exchanges through various media channels.

CDC officials have called for a thorough investigation into the matter, emphasizing the need for transparency and fairness in the electoral process. They argue that any compromise in the integrity of the ECC could have far-reaching consequences for the democratic principles Liberia upholds.

ECC Denies Allegations, Labels Video as Fake:

In response to the accusations, the ECC swiftly issued a statement denying any collaboration with the opposition Unity Party. The ECC head, in a press release, described the circulating video as fake and manipulated. The committee maintains that it operates independently, without bias towards any political party, and is committed to ensuring free and fair elections in Liberia.

The ECC asserts that it has always adhered to strict ethical standards, emphasizing its dedication to upholding the democratic process. The committee acknowledges the importance of its role in ensuring transparent elections and pledges to investigate the origins of the allegedly fake video while cooperating with any official inquiry into the matter.

Political Implications and Public Concerns:

The accusations and counterclaims have heightened political tensions in Liberia, with citizens expressing concerns about the potential impact on the credibility of the electoral process. In a society that values democratic principles, the need for a fair and impartial election is paramount, and any doubts about the integrity of the institutions overseeing the process can erode public trust.

As the controversy unfolds, there is a growing demand for a thorough and independent investigation to ascertain the veracity of the accusations against the ECC head. The outcome of such an inquiry will likely influence public perception and trust in the electoral system as Liberia approaches a crucial juncture in its democratic journey.


The controversy surrounding the CDC’s accusations against the head of the ECC adds a layer of complexity to Liberia’s political landscape. As the nation navigates through this challenging period, the importance of preserving the integrity of the electoral process cannot be overstated. The allegations and subsequent denials underscore the need for a transparent and impartial investigation to ensure public confidence in the democratic institutions tasked with overseeing the upcoming elections.

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