The Declining Popularity of Alexander B. Cummings in the Run-up to the October 10, 2023 Presidency

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The political landscape of Liberia has been marked by dynamic shifts and changes over the years, and the upcoming October 10, 2023 Presidential election promises to be no different. One significant development in the lead-up to the election is the declining popularity of Alexander B. Cummings, a prominent figure in Liberian politics. Once seen as a formidable contender, Cummings has faced a series of challenges that have eroded his support base. In this article, we will explore the factors contributing to his declining popularity.

  1. Lack of Clear Policy Agenda

One of the primary reasons for Alexander B. Cummings’ diminishing popularity is the perceived lack of a clear and compelling policy agenda. In a time when voters are seeking concrete solutions to pressing issues, Cummings has struggled to articulate a comprehensive vision for Liberia’s future. His policy positions on critical matters such as the economy, education, healthcare, and infrastructure have been vague and lacking in specifics, leaving many voters uncertain about what he truly stands for.

  1. Competition from Emerging Leaders

The political landscape in Liberia has witnessed the emergence of new and charismatic leaders who have captured the imagination of the electorate. Young and dynamic candidates have risen to prominence, promising fresh approaches to governance and innovative solutions to long-standing challenges. In contrast, Cummings, a seasoned political figure, has struggled to connect with younger voters and has faced stiff competition from these rising stars.

  1. Perception of Elitism

Cummings, a former executive at Coca-Cola and a wealthy businessman, has been plagued by the perception that he is out of touch with the everyday struggles of ordinary Liberians. His lavish lifestyle and international background have led some to view him as an elitist who cannot relate to the concerns of the majority of the population. This perception has made it difficult for him to connect with voters at a grassroots level.

  1. Allegations of Corruption

Accusations of corruption have also tarnished Cummings’ image and contributed to his declining popularity. While he has denied any wrongdoing, allegations of financial impropriety during his time at the multinational corporations he worked for have raised doubts about his integrity among some voters. In a country where corruption has long been a major concern, any association with alleged corruption can be damaging to a candidate’s reputation.

  1. Weak Party Support

Cummings is the standard-bearer of the Alternative National Congress (ANC), a political party that has struggled to gain widespread support and influence. The ANC lacks the well-established structures and grassroots network enjoyed by some of its competitors, making it difficult for Cummings to mobilize a broad base of supporters. This weakness within his own party has limited his ability to build a formidable coalition of voters.

  1. Failure to Connect with Rural Voters

A significant challenge for Cummings has been his inability to connect with rural voters who make up a substantial portion of Liberia’s electorate. His focus on urban areas and urban-centric policies has left rural communities feeling neglected and marginalized. As rural voters make up a crucial voting bloc, this failure to resonate with them has proven detrimental to his campaign.


The declining popularity of Alexander B. Cummings in the run-up to the October 10, 2023 Presidential election in Liberia can be attributed to a combination of factors, including a lack of a clear policy agenda, competition from emerging leaders, perceptions of elitism, allegations of corruption, weak party support, and a failure to connect with rural voters. While Cummings may still have time to address some of these issues and reverse the trend, he faces an uphill battle in a political landscape that is evolving rapidly and demanding fresh perspectives and innovative solutions. Only time will tell whether he can regain the support he once enjoyed and mount a viable challenge in the upcoming election.

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