Former President Ernest Koroma’s Daughter, Dankay Koroma, Named in Wanted List for Alleged Involvement in Failed Coup

In a shocking development, Dankay Koroma, one of the daughters of former President Ernest Bai Koroma, has been named in a fresh list of wanted persons by the Sierra Leone Police. The list includes individuals suspected of involvement in the failed attempted coup that transpired on November 26, 2023. The move intensifies the already tense […]

Court of Appeal Orders Immediate Arrest of Dr. Samura Kamara, Demands Repayment of Over USD 727,000 Within 14 Days

In a stunning turn of events at the Main Law Courts Building in Freetown on December 12, 2023, the Court of Appeal, presided over by Honourable Justice Ivan Sesay (JA), Honourable Justice Alhaji Mohamed Momoh-Jah Stevens (JA), and Honourable Justice Fisher (J), has ordered the immediate arrest of former presidential candidate Dr. Samura M.W. Kamara. […]

Court of Appeal Orders Dr. Samura Kamara to Face Anti-Corruption Commission Amidst Commission of Inquiry Findings

In a significant legal development, the Court of Appeal, comprised of Hon. Justices Ivan Sesay, Alhaji Momoh-Jah Stevens, and Adrian Fisher, has issued an order directing Dr. Samura Kamara to immediately report to the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) for criminal investigations. The decision comes in the wake of the Commission of Inquiry’s findings and recommendations against […]

Court of Appeal Orders Anti-Corruption Commission To Investigate Former President Koroma For Abuse of Office, Dismisses His COI Appeal

In a significant legal development, the Court of Appeal in Sierra Leone has unanimously dismissed the appeal filed by former President Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma against the judge-led Commission of Inquiry (COI). The court, consisting of Honourable Justices Ivan Sesay (JA)-presiding, Alhaji Momoh-Jah Stevens (JA), and Adrian Fisher (J), not only upheld the findings of […]

Former Sierra Leone President Summoned for Questioning Regarding November 26, 2023, Coup Attempt

In a surprising turn of events, the Sierra Leone Police have extended an invitation to the former President, Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma, for questioning in connection with the failed attempted coup on November 26, 2023. The unfolding developments have sent shockwaves through the nation, as citizens grapple with the idea that a former head of […]

Former Sierra Leone President Ordered to Pay USD 135,000.00 for Causing Loss to the State

In a landmark legal decision, Hon. Justice Ivan Sesay-presiding, Hon. Justice Alhaji Momoh-Jah Stevens, and Hon. Justice Adrian Fisher have ordered former President Ernest Bai Koroma to pay USD 135,000.00 to the government of Sierra Leone within seven days. The ruling comes as a result of allegations that the former president caused financial loss to […]

Chinese Firm to Aid in Constructing $1.5 Billion Bridge in Sierra Leone

In a significant development for infrastructure in Sierra Leone, a Chinese firm has stepped forward to contribute its expertise and resources to the construction of a $1.5 billion bridge. This collaboration marks a crucial milestone in fostering international partnerships for development and underscores China’s growing role in supporting infrastructure projects across the African continent. The […]

Sierra Leonean President Declares November 26th Incidents as Attempted Coup

Sierra Leonean President Julius Bio made a significant announcement on Saturday, revealing that investigations into the deadly clashes that occurred on November 26th have unequivocally identified the events as an “attempted coup.” In a national address, President Bio stated, “Investigations conducted so far by our security and intelligence community strongly indicate that the November 26 […]

Sierra Leone Government Declares Nationwide Curfew in Wake of Armory Incident

Sierra Leone, a nation once known for its post-civil war recovery and strides towards stability, is now grappling with a new crisis. In response to the recent attempt to breach the military armory at Wilberforce barracks, the Sierra Leonean government, through the Ministry of Information and Civic Education, has imposed a nationwide curfew. The move […]