President George Weah Nominates Justice Minister Frank Musa Dean as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of Liberia

In a significant development for Liberia’s judiciary, President George Weah has nominated the current Justice Minister, Cllr. Frank Musa Dean, for the esteemed position of Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. This nomination marks a crucial step in reshaping the nation’s legal landscape and upholding the principles of justice. However, the nomination is contingent upon […]

Sanctioned Liberian Officials Yet to Go Scot-Free as Congress Passes Landmark Law Enabling U.S. Government to Prosecute Foreign Corrupt Officials

In a historic move, the United States Congress has recently approved the Foreign Extortion Prevention Act (FEPA) as part of the annual defense spending bill, the National Defense Authorization Act. This groundbreaking legislation marks a significant milestone in the global fight against corruption by criminalizing the act of foreign officials demanding or accepting bribes from […]

Senator Saah Hardy Joseph Eyes Senate Pro-Tempore Position

Montserrado County Senator Saah Hardy Joseph, a seasoned politician with two terms as the elected Representative of District #13 and currently serving his second term as Senator, has set his sights on the prestigious position of Senate Pro-Tempore. Holding the Chair on Executive in the Liberian Senate, Senator Joseph’s political trajectory within the Congress for […]

Bestman J. Judue Jr.: A Catalyst for Good Governance in Liberia

Bestman J. Judue Jr., a prominent figure in the Liberian diaspora, has emerged as a passionate advocate for good governance and accountability in Liberia. In a recent statement, he expressed his frustration with forums that hinder open discourse on crucial matters related to the nation’s well-being. Judue emphasizes the importance of asking hard questions that […]

From Boastful Claims to Unforeseen Sanctions: Senator Emmanuel Nuquay Faces Reality

In a turn of events that has left many stunned, Senator Emmanuel Nuquay, once confident in his ability to obtain a U.S. visa whenever he pleased, now finds himself among the high-profile Liberian officials sanctioned by the United States Department of State. The irony is glaring, as just a few months ago, he confidently displayed […]

Fractured Alliances: The Unraveling Relationship between Senate Pro-Tempore Albert Chie and Rep-elect Musa Hassan Bility

In the realm of Liberian politics, alliances can be as fickle as the wind, and recent events have cast a shadow over the once-cherished relationship between Senate Pro-Tempore Albert Chie and Nimba County District #7 Representative-elect Musa Hassan Bility. What was once a seemingly unbothered camaraderie now appears to be sinking into the depths of […]

U.S. Department of Treasury Imposes Sanctions on Liberian Officials for Alleged Corruption

The U.S. Department of Treasury has taken decisive action against corruption, issuing sanctions against Samuel Tweah, Minister of Finance and Development Planning, and Senators Albert Chie and Emmanuel Nuquay. These measures, enacted under Section 7031(c) of the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2023, underscore the United States’ commitment to combatting […]

Senator Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence: A Beacon of Leadership for Liberia’s Future

Liberia, a nation that endured a brutal civil war and has faced numerous challenges on its journey to recovery, is now looking towards a future of promise and progress. At the forefront of this hopeful trajectory is Senator Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence, a remarkable leader from Grand Bassa County who is poised to play a pivotal role […]