Deputy Speaker J Fonati Koffa Takes a Stand: Boycotts Legislative Sessions Amidst Accusations

In a bold move that has sent shockwaves through Liberia’s political landscape, Deputy Speaker J Fonati Koffa has announced his decision to boycott legislative sessions until the convening of the 55th National Legislature in 2024. The unprecedented move is a response to what Koffa alleges are false accusations orchestrated by Speaker Bhofal Chambers and his […]

Deputy Speaker Fonati Koffa Rejects Conflict of Interest Allegations, Asserts Misinformation by Speaker Chambers

In a dramatic turn of events within Liberia’s political arena, Deputy Speaker Fonati Koffa has vehemently rejected the allegations leveled against him by Speaker Bhofal Chambers, terming them as misleading and based on misinformation. The controversy unfolded when Speaker Chambers accused Deputy Speaker Koffa of being entangled in a conflict of interest scenario. Chambers claimed […]

Turmoil in Liberia’s Political Landscape: Outgoing Speaker Points Finger at Deputy Speaker Amid Transition

Liberia’s political arena is currently ablaze with controversy as outgoing Speaker Bhofal Chambers points accusatory fingers at Deputy Speaker Fonati Koffa, alleging interference in district politics as the House of Representatives undergoes a significant transition. Chambers, preparing to exit his role as Speaker, has raised the alarm over what he deems as Deputy Speaker Koffa’s […]

Representative Richard Nagbe Koon Pledges Fiscal Responsibility and Reform in Bid for House Speaker

In a bold move towards fiscal responsibility and institutional reform, Representative Richard Nagbe Koon, vying for the speakership of the 55th Legislature, has promised to slash the annual budget for the office of the speaker by 20%. The current budget stands at 2.5 million United States dollars, and Koon believes that such an amount is […]

Liberia’s President George Weah Seeks Legislative Approval for Youth Entrepreneurship Investment Project

In a move geared towards empowering Liberia’s youth and fostering economic growth, President H.E George M. Weah has officially submitted a Loan Agreement to the Honorable Legislature for ratification. The Agreement, titled “Loan Agreement between the Republic of Liberia and the African Development Fund (ADF) for the Program for Advancing Youth Entrepreneurship Investment (PAYED) Project […]

Sanctioned Liberian Officials Yet to Go Scot-Free as Congress Passes Landmark Law Enabling U.S. Government to Prosecute Foreign Corrupt Officials

In a historic move, the United States Congress has recently approved the Foreign Extortion Prevention Act (FEPA) as part of the annual defense spending bill, the National Defense Authorization Act. This groundbreaking legislation marks a significant milestone in the global fight against corruption by criminalizing the act of foreign officials demanding or accepting bribes from […]

Bestman J. Judue Jr.: A Catalyst for Good Governance in Liberia

Bestman J. Judue Jr., a prominent figure in the Liberian diaspora, has emerged as a passionate advocate for good governance and accountability in Liberia. In a recent statement, he expressed his frustration with forums that hinder open discourse on crucial matters related to the nation’s well-being. Judue emphasizes the importance of asking hard questions that […]

From Boastful Claims to Unforeseen Sanctions: Senator Emmanuel Nuquay Faces Reality

In a turn of events that has left many stunned, Senator Emmanuel Nuquay, once confident in his ability to obtain a U.S. visa whenever he pleased, now finds himself among the high-profile Liberian officials sanctioned by the United States Department of State. The irony is glaring, as just a few months ago, he confidently displayed […]

Fractured Alliances: The Unraveling Relationship between Senate Pro-Tempore Albert Chie and Rep-elect Musa Hassan Bility

In the realm of Liberian politics, alliances can be as fickle as the wind, and recent events have cast a shadow over the once-cherished relationship between Senate Pro-Tempore Albert Chie and Nimba County District #7 Representative-elect Musa Hassan Bility. What was once a seemingly unbothered camaraderie now appears to be sinking into the depths of […]

Celebrating Victors: Highlights from the October 10, 2023 General Elections Certification Ceremony

On a momentous day at the EJS Ministerial Complex, the winners of the October 10, 2023, General Elections for Senators and Representatives were officially certified in a ceremony that echoed the democratic triumph of the people. The event marked the culmination of a fiercely contested election, featuring candidates vying for legislative positions as well as […]