Fostering Economic Prosperity: The Corporate Council on Africa Hosts President-electJoseph Nyumah Boakai for Business Roundtable

The Corporate Council on Africa (CCA) recently had the honor of hosting the President-elect of Liberia, His Excellency Joseph N. Boakai, for a Business Roundtable on December 19th. The event provided a platform for the incoming leader to engage with business leaders, discuss economic priorities, and articulate his vision for creating a more business-friendly investment […]

Liberia’s President-Elect Joseph Boakai Strengthens Ties with U.S. Economic Leaders

In a significant step towards fostering international cooperation and economic development, Liberia’s President-Elect, Ambassador Joseph N. Boakai, engaged in a high-profile meeting today with key figures from the United States government. The meeting included discussions with Jay Shambaugh, the U.S. Undersecretary for International Affairs, and Alice Albright, the Chief Executive Officer of the Millennium Challenge […]

President-Elect Joseph Nyumah Boakai’s Diplomatic Outreach: A Glimpse into Future Leadership

In a significant diplomatic move, President-Elect Joseph Nyumah Boakai recently conducted a pivotal interview at the Voice of America (VOA) Africa Bureau’s studio in Washington, DC. This interview, scheduled for broadcast tomorrow, provides a unique opportunity for Boakai to address not only the African continent but also the broader international community. Prior to this insightful […]

Finance Minister Samuel Tweah Fires Back at Amara Konneh: Unraveling the HPX Controversy

In a fiery response to the accusations leveled by former Finance Minister and Gbarpolu County Senator-elect Amara Konneh, Finance Minister Samuel Tweah took to social media to dismantle what he deemed as misconceptions and misinformation. The exchange centers around the controversial HPX deal, with Tweah vehemently defending his actions during his tenure as Finance Minister. […]

Amara Konneh Challenges Finance Minister Samuel Tweah on HPX Deal: A Call for Transparency

In a recent exchange of words, the former Finance Minister and now Gbarpolu County Senator-elect, Amara Konneh, responded vehemently to Finance Minister Samuel Tweah regarding the controversial HPX deal. Konneh accused Tweah of misleading the public and engaging in questionable fiscal and economic governance practices during his tenure. The HPX Mess: Konneh began by addressing […]

Representative Richard Nagbe Koon Pledges Fiscal Responsibility and Reform in Bid for House Speaker

In a bold move towards fiscal responsibility and institutional reform, Representative Richard Nagbe Koon, vying for the speakership of the 55th Legislature, has promised to slash the annual budget for the office of the speaker by 20%. The current budget stands at 2.5 million United States dollars, and Koon believes that such an amount is […]

Liberia’s President George Weah Seeks Legislative Approval for Youth Entrepreneurship Investment Project

In a move geared towards empowering Liberia’s youth and fostering economic growth, President H.E George M. Weah has officially submitted a Loan Agreement to the Honorable Legislature for ratification. The Agreement, titled “Loan Agreement between the Republic of Liberia and the African Development Fund (ADF) for the Program for Advancing Youth Entrepreneurship Investment (PAYED) Project […]

Liberia’s Fiscal Outlook: Examining the FY 2024 Draft National Budget

In a significant move towards financial transparency and economic planning, the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP) has presented the Draft National Budget for the fiscal year 2024 to the Honorable House of Representatives (HOR) in Liberia. The proposed budget stands at US$625.57 million, with detailed allocations and projections outlined by Deputy Finance Minister […]

President George Weah Takes Measures to Safeguard State Resources During Transition Period

In a significant move aimed at securing the proper use of Liberia’s resources during the transition period, President George Weah has instructed all government entities to seek approval from his office for expenditures. The directive covers payments of bonuses and service allowances to directors, deputies, and officials of similar standings in state-owned enterprises, commissions, and […]

President-elect Joseph N. Boakai Meets US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Molly Phee in Washington DC

In a significant diplomatic move, President-elect Joseph N. Boakai of Liberia recently engaged in a crucial meeting with the US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, Molly Phee, at the State Department in Washington DC. The meeting underscores the importance of fostering strong ties between Liberia and the United States, particularly in the realm […]