Sanctioned Liberian Officials Yet to Go Scot-Free as Congress Passes Landmark Law Enabling U.S. Government to Prosecute Foreign Corrupt Officials

In a historic move, the United States Congress has recently approved the Foreign Extortion Prevention Act (FEPA) as part of the annual defense spending bill, the National Defense Authorization Act. This groundbreaking legislation marks a significant milestone in the global fight against corruption by criminalizing the act of foreign officials demanding or accepting bribes from […]

CDC-COP Questions the U.S Treasury Department Sanctions

CDC-COP Questions the U.S Treasury Department Sanctions; Describes the Process as an Indigenous Conspiracy; and Informs U.S President Joe Biden that these Paid to Play Political Sanctions Are a Prominent Reason for the Growing Influence of China and Russia around Africa Distinguished ladies and gentlemen of the press, fellow Liberians, and Patriots of Liberia’s only […]

Charge D’Affaires Catherine Rodriguez’s Remarks At Press Roundtable

CHARGE D’AFFAIRES CATHERINE RODRIGUEZ’S REMARKS AT PRESS ROUNDTABLE (DECEMBER 12, 2023)  By U.S. MISSION LIBERIA DECEMBER 12, 2023 Good morning! Thank you for joining me today for our first press roundtable since Liberia’s successful presidential and legislative elections.  It has been a historic period, so I want to begin by congratulating the Liberian people for demonstrating […]

Unraveling the United States’ Sanctions on Liberian Officials: A Closer Look at GloMag

In recent years, the United States has intensified its efforts to combat corruption and malfeasance on a global scale. One notable case that has gained attention is the imposition of sanctions on government officials in Liberia through the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act (GloMag). This act empowers the U.S. government to target individuals engaged […]