Discontent Among CDCians: A Closer Look at Reactions to NEC’s Projection of Amb. Joseph N. Boakai’s Lead

In a nation characterized by political fervor and passionate supporters, the announcement of election results can often be a defining moment. Liberia is no exception, and the recent projection by the National Elections Commission (NEC) indicating that Ambassador Joseph N. Boakai is leading over President George Manneh Weah in the run-off election has stirred a […]

Amb. Joseph N. Boakai Gains Momentum in the Liberian Presidential Race: Day 2 Announcement

In the unfolding drama of the Liberian presidential race, Ambassador Joseph N. Boakai is emerging as a formidable contender for the nation’s highest office. The National Presidential Progressive Tally Report, consolidated and released on day 2 of the announcement, reveals a significant leap for Amb. Boakai, suggesting that he is gradually inching closer to the […]

Amara Konneh Reveals Unofficial Results: Unity Party’s Impressive Showing in Liberian Presidential Run-off

In a surprising turn of events, Amara Konneh, the former finance minister, Gbarpolu County Senator-elect, and Unity Party campaign coordinator, has unveiled unofficial results from the Unity Party situation room. The announcement, made on Spoon Talkshow, has generated significant buzz, showcasing a remarkable 95.4% result that paints a compelling picture of the ongoing presidential run-off […]

Amb. Joseph Boakai Takes Lead in Preliminary Results: A Closer Look at Liberia’s National Elections Commission Report

In a highly anticipated moment for the citizens of Liberia, the National Elections Commission (NEC) has released its preliminary results for the presidential race, revealing a tight competition between Amb. Joseph Boakai and incumbent President George Weah. As per the latest update, Amb. Joseph Boakai has secured 50.71% of the votes, acquiring 193,041, while President […]

The Prospects of President George Weah’s Single Term in Liberia

As Liberia approaches the end of President George Weah’s first term, indications are emerging that he might become a one-term president. George M. Weah, a former international football sensation, captured the nation’s imagination with promises of transformative change during his election in 2017. However, a combination of challenges has cast a shadow over the prospect […]

Amb. Joseph Boakai Alleges Electoral Misconduct as Liberia Votes

In a surprising turn of events, Ambassador Joseph Boakai, the former Vice President of Liberia, made bold claims in a post-voting interview, suggesting that the ruling party is allegedly engaging in electoral malpractices. Ambassador Joseph Boakai accused the ruling CDC party of attempting to manipulate the election process by stuffing ballot boxes with pre-marked ballots […]

Monrovia Mayor Jefferson T. Kojie Spurs Early Celebration Amidst Anticipation of Weah’s Victory

In an unexpected turn of events, Monrovia Mayor Jefferson T. Kojie has called for early celebrations in anticipation of a presidential run-off victory for incumbent President George Weah. This bold move comes even before a single election result has been officially released by the National Elections Commission (NEC). As Monrovians prepare for potential festivities, Kojie’s […]

Spontaneous Jubilation: CDCians Take to the Streets Despite Lack of Official Election Data

In a display of unbridled enthusiasm, supporters of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) flooded the streets shortly after the conclusion of the Presidential run-off election, celebrating what they believed to be a victory for their party. Surprisingly, these jubilant scenes unfolded mere hours after the polls closed, raising eyebrows due to the absence of […]

President George Weah’s Campaign Funds Mismanagement: How Unintended Critics Impacted His Popularity

President George Weah’s tenure in Liberia has been marked by highs and lows, and as the nation approaches run-off election, scrutiny has intensified. Recent revelations suggest that President Weah’s campaign funds may have been misspent by hiring individuals known for their outspoken criticism, such as Henry P. Costa, Ben Sanvee, Tomalin George, and others. These […]

President George Weah’s Unlikely Allies: A Fragile Coalition Built on Financial Interests

In the complex world of politics, alliances are often formed for strategic reasons, with shared goals or ideologies serving as the foundation. However, President George Weah’s political journey in Liberia has taken an unexpected turn, as he finds himself supported by strange bedfellows who seem more motivated by financial benefits than a genuine belief in […]