Some Achievements and Challenges of President George Manneh Weah

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Some of the accomplishments and challenges of President George Weah’s tenure in office from January 2018 to present. Please note that this information is based on research and reliable sources that have a local experience.

President George Manneh Weah will be contesting for his re-election as President of the Republic of Liberia on October 10, 2023.


Economic Development:

President Weah’s administration made efforts to stimulate economic growth through initiatives like the “Pro-poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development” (PAPD). This plan aimed to reduce poverty, improve livelihoods, and promote economic inclusivity.

Infrastructure Development:

Investments were made in infrastructure projects, including road construction and rehabilitation, which aimed to improve transportation and connectivity across the country.


The government worked on expanding access to education and introduced tuition-free education for public universities and payment of 12th Grade WAEC fees. However, challenges remained in terms of improving the quality of education.


Initiatives were launched to strengthen the healthcare system, including efforts to combat diseases like malaria and improve access to healthcare services in underserved areas.

Foreign Relations:

President Weah sought to strengthen diplomatic ties with various countries and international organizations to attract foreign investment and development assistance.


Economic Challenges:

Liberia faced significant economic challenges, including high unemployment rates, inflation, and a reliance on commodity exports. The economy remained vulnerable to external shocks.

Corruption Allegations:

There were allegations of corruption within the government, which raised concerns about transparency and accountability in public administration.

Infrastructure Gaps:

Despite infrastructure investments, Liberia continued to face challenges related to poor road conditions, inadequate electricity supply, and limited access to clean water and sanitation facilities.

Education Quality:

While progress was made in expanding access to education, improving the quality of education remained a challenge, with issues related to teacher training, curriculum development, and infrastructure for schools.

Healthcare System:

Liberia’s healthcare system faced issues such as inadequate healthcare facilities, shortages of medical professionals, and challenges in responding to health crises like the Ebola outbreak and the COVID-19.

Political Opposition and Protests:

President Weah’s administration faced criticism from political opponents, civil society groups, and protesters on various issues, including governance, corruption, important of illicit drugs and economic conditions.

Security Concerns:

Liberia continued to grapple with security challenges, including crime and occasional civil unrest, which posed obstacles to economic development and stability.

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