Republic of Liberia: Police Charge Sheet – Tragedy Strikes Unity Party Headquarters

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Office of the Crime Services Department
Headquarters of the Liberia National Police
Monrovia, Liberia

(Office of the Crime Against Person Unit CSD/LP . Date: November 24, 2023)


Defendant: Lawrence K. Williams
Sex: Male
Age: 31
Tribe: Kru
Address: Flower Pot Community, Duport Road, Paynesville
Date of Birth: July 11, 1992
Place of Birth: Monrovia, Montserrado County
Nationality: Liberian
Father’s Name: Lawrence K. Williams Sr.
Mother’s Name: Shirley Gbarwea
Marital Status: Cohabitating
Height: 5’8″
Weight: 98kg
Complexion: Fair
Build: Stout
Eye Color: Dark
Hair Color: Black
Deformities: Nil
Charge(s): Murder, Aggravated Assault, and Recklessly Endangering of Another Person
Accomplices: Nil
Time of Offence: 10:00 P/M
Place of Offence: Unity Party Headquarters, Broad Street
Date of Offence: November 20, 2023
Date of Arrest: November 21, 2023
Arresting Officer: Fred M. Gaye
Rank: ACP
Complainant: R/L by and thru.


In violation of Chapter 14; Sections 14.1, 14.20, and 14.23 of the revised Penal Code of the Republic of Liberia, Defendant Lawrence K. Williams was arrested, reminded of his Constitutional rights, investigated, and subsequently charged with the crimes of Murder, Aggravated Assault, and Recklessly Endangering Another Person.

The tragic incident unfolded on the evening of November 20, 2023, at the Unity Party Headquarters on Broad Street. The jubilation following the results of the Runoff Elections by the National Elections Commission (NEC) turned into a horrifying scene when Lawrence K. Williams deliberately drove an unmarked Grey Hyundai SUV into the jubilant crowd.

The vehicle, with its headlights off and front passenger door open, plowed through the Unity Party partisans and sympathizers, causing immense chaos and resulting in the untimely death of three individuals – Peter Gray, Mariama Kromah, and Varney Sulieman. Additionally, the reckless act critically injured approximately twenty-four others, both males and females, who are currently fighting for their lives in the Intensive Care Unit of the JFK Hospital.

The charges against Lawrence K. Williams include Murder, as he is accused of criminally, purposely, and intentionally causing the death of the victims. Aggravated Assault charges stem from the deliberate and violent nature of the act, while the Recklessly Endangering of Another Person charge reflects the broader impact on the numerous individuals injured in the incident.

The arrest was conducted on November 21, 2023, by Assistant Commissioner of Police Fred M. Gaye, who, in accordance with the law, ensured that the defendant was made aware of his Constitutional rights.

This tragic event serves as a stark reminder of the potential consequences of actions that endanger the lives of innocent citizens. The legal process will now unfold as Liberia seeks justice for the victims and accountability for the accused. The Ministry of Justice, through the Liberia National Police, remains committed to upholding the rule of law and ensuring that those responsible for such heinous acts face the full force of the justice system.

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