Representative Richard Nagbe Koon Pledges Fiscal Responsibility and Reform in Bid for House Speaker

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In a bold move towards fiscal responsibility and institutional reform, Representative Richard Nagbe Koon, vying for the speakership of the 55th Legislature, has promised to slash the annual budget for the office of the speaker by 20%. The current budget stands at 2.5 million United States dollars, and Koon believes that such an amount is excessive, especially in the face of competing national priorities.

Representative Koon, a seasoned financial expert with three decades of experience in governmental budgeting and public finance, envisions redirecting the 20% cut towards the welfare of House members and legislative staffers. Emphasizing the need to prioritize the well-being of those working within the legislative body, Koon stated, “Members’ welfare needs to be prioritized by decreasing the US$2.5 million speaker’s budget by 20% and transferred to colleagues’ budget line for their smooth operation.”

Speaking to the Voice of America’s Day Break Africa, Koon outlined his commitment to initiate reforms aimed at restoring the lost image of the legislative body. One key aspect of his proposed reforms is addressing the security concerns of House members. Koon highlighted the vulnerability of House members and pledged to ensure that each member is assigned firearm-carrying security personnel for enhanced protection.

Additionally, the Montserrado County district ’11’ lawmaker expressed his vision for a legislative body that promotes accountability and transparency. He asserted that, if elected, he would provide leadership to benefit the general populace, emphasizing the importance of a House that works for the people.

Koon’s extensive experience as a lecturer at the University of Liberia, teaching governmental budgeting and public finance, as well as his work in both the public and private sectors, positions him as a candidate with the expertise to navigate the complexities of economic governance. He vowed to leverage his knowledge to revive the economy for the betterment of Liberia, stating, “I’ve worked with both national and international organizations to bring relief to them in terms of insolvency. I think my presence as a speaker will bring great relief to Liberia.”

Addressing a concerning revelation from a personnel audit conducted four years ago, which uncovered over one thousand ghost names on the House’s payroll, Koon made a firm commitment to clean up the system. “We will clear off our payroll of over one thousand ghost names so as to have a living and realistic workforce,” he declared, underlining his dedication to transparency and accountability within the legislative institution.

As Representative Koon puts forward his platform for a more responsible and efficient House, his promises resonate with the call for effective governance and fiscal prudence, providing voters with a compelling vision for the future of Liberia’s legislative leadership.

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