President George Weah’s Admirable Conduct Garners Global Acclaim and ECOWAS Applause

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In the aftermath of Liberia’s closely contested presidential polls, President George Manneh Weah has emerged not only as a statesman but as a beacon of democratic values, drawing commendations from international colleagues. The most recent accolades were bestowed upon him at an ECOWAS meeting, where leaders showered him with prolonged applause for gracefully conceding defeat in the razor-thin election results.

Nigerian President and current ECOWAS Chairman, Ahmed Bola Tinubu, led the chorus of praise, hailing President Weah’s exemplary leadership in orchestrating free, fair, and credible elections. Tinubu underscored that Weah’s conduct has set a new standard for democracy, urging other ECOWAS leaders to follow the Liberian President’s lead.

President Weah, in turn, emphasized that Liberia’s democratic credentials have been reaffirmed by the peaceful conduct of the recent elections and the nation’s ongoing success in its post-war recovery. Speaking at the 64th Extraordinary Summit of ECOWAS Heads of State in Abuja, Nigeria, he urged regional leaders to view Liberia’s achievements as a positive milestone for West Africa and the entire continent.

With humility, President Weah acknowledged his party’s electoral defeat, emphasizing that the true victors were the Liberian people who freely made their leadership choices. Expressing hope that Liberia’s peaceful transition would resonate across the ECOWAS region, he extended an open invitation to regional leaders to witness the transfer of power to President-Elect Joseph Nyumah Boakai on January 22, 2023.

President Weah passionately wooed ECOWAS leaders to extend the same respect and high-level support to his successor as he received during his tenure. Despite acknowledging that much remains to be achieved, he expressed pride in the significant progress made in addressing critical regional issues.

Affirming Liberia’s commitment to championing peace and democracy, President Weah expressed gratitude to the regional body for the excellent cooperation over his six years in office. As he prepares to step down, his call for a seamless transition and continued dedication to regional stability marks a poignant moment in West African politics, where democratic ideals are upheld and celebrated.

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