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The Chairman of the National Traditional Council of Chiefs and Elders of Liberia, Chief Zanzan Kawor, has strongly denounced and called for an immediate end to the traditional practice of early childhood marriage.

According to Chief Zanzan, early childhood marriage is a gross violation and the abuse of the rights of the girl child, “this has to stop”, noting that it deprives the girl child of a better and prosperous future. “Do not let anybody fool you to give your child for marriage” Chief Zanzan stressed.Chief Zanzan has also condemned rape and has called on parents not to conceal any act of rape even if it involves a close family member. He said rape destroys girls and women and disrupt their future and should be treated as a societal menace.Chief Zanzan spoke on Wednesday at the Songkay Town in Todee District during a special engagement with the Zoes, chiefs and women of Montserrado County to thank them for abandoning the Female Genitor Mutilation. Speaking further, chief Zanzan appealed to the international community to provide the needed empowerment and training opportunities for the Zoes. During an inactive section of the engagement which was graced by the UN women Country Director of Liberia, Madame Comfort Lamptey and the UN women Goodwill Ambassador on early Childhood Marriage and FGM, Jaha Dukureh, the Zoes and chiefs appealed to government and the international community for the rehabilitation of the stretch of road leading to the Songkay Town in Todee District. They also appealed for the GSM companies, Orange and Lonestar to install their towers to make communication easy for the citizens.Also present at the special engagement was Grand Bassa County District #2 Representatives, Mary M. Kawor. The Grand Bassa County District Two Lawmaker also appealed to the international Community to empower the Zoes since they have now abandoned FGM, by providing some economic livelihood empowerment to help sustain themselves. She said FGM will successfully be abolished throughout Liberia when the Zoes are empowered to sustain themselves.For her part, the UN Women Goodwill Ambassador on early childhood marriage and FGM, Ma Musu Jaha Dukureh reiterated her unflinching commitment to support the Liberian Government, the national traditional Council and the Zoes in eliminating FGM and early childhood marriage in Liberia. She praised the Liberian government, the National Traditional Council of Liberia and promised to work with the Government and all who are working to stop FGM, noting that FGM is a serious violation to the rights of women. She also called for international support to the Zoes and traditional people of Liberia adding,” put your money where your mouth is”. Ambassador Jaha Dukureh emphasized that the ban on FGM would not have been possible without the personal commitment, involvement and high level political-will of Ambassador Juli Endee, Chief Zanzan Kawor and the government of Liberia which was represented by the Vice President of Liberia.At the same time, the UN Women Country Representative to Liberia, Madame Lamptey has promised the UN Women’s continued support to the Zoes and chiefs in sustaining the ban on FGM. According to her, banning FGM from the Sande School does not stop other good practices of the Sande School, noting that the UN Women will continue to work with the Zoes and Chiefs. The Wednesday February 8th Special Engagement was organized was organized by the Traditional council of Chiefs and Elders to personally interact and thank the Zoes of Montserrado County. It was also intended for the Zoes to express how the ban on FGM can be successfully implemented and sustained throughout v Liberia. With instruction from Chief Zanzan, the Traditional queen of Liberia and Africa, Juli Endee commended the Zoes and chiefs for the overwhelming attendance of the Special Engagement.With FGM now banned in Liberia, the ball is now in the court of the international community to provide the needed economic empowerment for the Zoes in the 11 counties of Liberia that were practicing FGM, to implement the ban on FGM.

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