Mayor Jefferson T. Koijee and Telecom Giants Subpoenaed in Ongoing Murder Trial: A Closer Look

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In a dramatic turn of events, Criminal Court ‘A’ Judge Roosevelt Willie has issued subpoenas to Monrovia City Mayor Jefferson Koijee, along with Orange GSM and Lonestar Cell, in connection to the ongoing murder trial involving former Chief Justice Gloria Musu Scott and other defendants. The subpoenas are specifically tied to the testimony of Varlee Telleh, an employee of Mayor Koijee, and the investigation of a telephone number used during a crucial time frame.

The issuance of the subpoenas stems from a submission made by the defense counsel on November 30, 2023. The court is seeking critical information related to a specific telephone number, 0777142133, and its usage between February 21st and 25th of the same year. The defense contends that the information sought is vital to the case and could have a significant impact on the trial’s outcome.

Subpoena for Mayor Koijee and Varlee Telleh

Mayor Jefferson Koijee has been served with a writ of subpoena to produce Varlee Telleh, his employee, to testify about the aforementioned telephone number. The court is interested in understanding the nature of Telleh’s association with the phone and the events surrounding its use during the specified dates. Mayor Koijee is expected to comply with the subpoena and ensure Telleh’s appearance in court.

Telecom Giants Summoned

In addition to the mayor and his employee, the court has also issued subpoenas to Orange GSM and Lonestar Cell, two prominent telecommunication companies in Liberia. The subpoenas demand the production of the call log for the phone number in question (0777142133) and request assistance in tracking the phone and identifying its user during the specified time frame.

The Importance of the Subpoenas

The court’s decision to subpoena Mayor Koijee, Varlee Telleh, and the telecom companies underscores the significance of the information related to the specified telephone number in the murder trial. Call logs and tracking data could potentially reveal crucial details about the movements and communications of individuals involved in the case, shedding light on their activities during the specified period.

Challenges and Implications

While the issuance of subpoenas is a standard legal procedure to gather evidence, it also raises concerns and challenges. The privacy implications of accessing call logs and tracking data are substantial, and balancing the need for justice with individual privacy rights is a delicate task. The court will need to carefully navigate these issues to ensure a fair and lawful process.


The ongoing murder trial involving former Chief Justice Gloria Musu Scott has taken a new twist with the issuance of subpoenas to Mayor Jefferson Koijee, Varlee Telleh, and major telecom companies. The court’s focus on a specific telephone number and the associated call logs underscores the importance of technological evidence in modern legal proceedings. As the case unfolds, it will be interesting to see how the testimonies and evidence gathered through these subpoenas contribute to the pursuit of justice.

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