Liberians Vigilant Against Ballot-Box Tampering Amidst Nighttime Transport Concerns

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As Liberia approaches a crucial electoral juncture, citizens across the nation are expressing heightened vigilance and concern over potential ballot-box stuffing and vote rigging. The focus of this vigilance centers on the alleged nighttime transportation of ballot boxes by private vehicles, with suspicions that pre-marked ballot papers may be introduced in favor of President George Weah and the Congress for Democratic Change (CDC).

Growing Apprehension:

The atmosphere in Liberia has become charged with anticipation and apprehension as citizens closely monitor the electoral process. The fears are rooted in reports of private vehicles transporting ballot boxes under the cover of darkness, raising suspicions of clandestine activities aimed at manipulating the outcome of the upcoming elections.

Nighttime Transport: A Cause for Concern:

The nighttime transportation of ballot boxes has become a focal point for concern, as it creates an environment conducive to potential malpractices. Critics argue that the lack of transparency during these late-night movements leaves the door open for unscrupulous actors to tamper with the election materials, including the introduction of pre-marked ballot papers in favor of the ruling CDC.

Crackdown on Suspicious Activities:

In response to these concerns, Liberians are taking matters into their own hands, demonstrating a strong sense of civic duty and vigilance. Instances of citizens intercepting and inspecting vehicles suspected of carrying ballot boxes have been reported across the country. The goal is to ensure the integrity of the electoral process and prevent any attempts at manipulating the democratic will of the people.

Allegations of Pre-Marked Ballot Papers:

One of the prevailing suspicions is the alleged pre-marking of ballot papers in favor of President George Weah and the CDC. The fear is that these pre-filled ballots may be introduced into the electoral system, compromising the fairness and accuracy of the vote count. This concern has only intensified the scrutiny on the transportation of election materials, especially during the night.

Civil Society Calls for Transparency:

Civil society organizations and activists in Liberia are echoing the concerns of vigilant citizens, calling for increased transparency in the electoral process. They emphasize the need for stringent measures to safeguard the integrity of the ballots, including secure transportation protocols, enhanced monitoring, and stricter oversight during critical phases of the election.

Preserving Democracy:

At the heart of these vigilance efforts is a collective desire to preserve the democratic values that underpin Liberia’s governance. The people’s determination to ensure a free and fair electoral process reflects a commitment to upholding the principles of democracy, where every vote is valued and counts toward shaping the future of the nation.


As Liberia stands on the precipice of a crucial electoral moment, the vigilance of its citizens is a testament to the importance they place on a fair and transparent democratic process. The concerns surrounding nighttime transportation of ballot boxes and the fear of vote rigging underscore the need for robust measures to safeguard the integrity of the elections. It is imperative that both citizens and authorities work hand in hand to ensure that the voice of the Liberian people is heard, unmarred by any attempts at electoral malpractice.

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