Fractured Alliances: The Unraveling Relationship between Senate Pro-Tempore Albert Chie and Rep-elect Musa Hassan Bility

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In the realm of Liberian politics, alliances can be as fickle as the wind, and recent events have cast a shadow over the once-cherished relationship between Senate Pro-Tempore Albert Chie and Nimba County District #7 Representative-elect Musa Hassan Bility. What was once a seemingly unbothered camaraderie now appears to be sinking into the depths of strained ties, owing to the sanctions imposed by the United States government on Pro-Tempore Chie.

On a somber Monday, Pro-Tempore Chie found himself among three prominent figures from the outgoing government facing the wrath of the U.S. sanctions. Finance and Development Planning Minister Samuel Tweah and Senator Emmanuel Nuquay of Margibi County, along with their spouses and minor children, joined Chie in being banned from entering the United States. The sanctions were imposed under Section 7031(c) of the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2023, showcasing the U.S.’s unwavering commitment to combatting corruption on a global scale.

The allegations against Chie, Tweah, and Nuquay paint a grim picture of abuse of public positions, including soliciting, accepting, and offering bribes to manipulate legislative processes and public funding, particularly in the mining sector. The ripple effect extended to their immediate family members, including spouses Delecia Berry Tweah, Abigail Chie, and Ruthtoria Brown Nuquay, as well as Tweah and Nuquay’s minor children, who were also included in the sanctions.

This development has strained the relationship between Chie and Representative-elect Bility, who, in a recent interview with Voice of Liberia 104.1FM, challenged the incoming Unity Party-led government to prosecute the outgoing officials, including his erstwhile ally, Pro-Tempore Chie. Bility emphasized the gravity of the allegations and urged President-elect Joseph Nyuma Boakai to ensure a thorough investigation, asserting that the accusations demand swift and appropriate legal action.

Bility’s call for action aligns with the sentiments of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP) and others who have recognized Ambassador Boakai as the people’s choice to lead Liberia. He urged the government to review the evidence provided by the U.S. government, emphasizing that a civilized government should act promptly when its officials face such serious allegations.

The Representative-elect also emphasized the importance of the investigation, not only to hold individuals accountable but also to provide them with an opportunity to clear their names. He suggested that the Liberian government should contact the U.S. government for any evidence that could aid in the prosecution of the accused, pointing out that the U.S. government’s willingness to provide evidence underscores their commitment to combating corruption and promoting accountability.

Amidst these developments, Bility called for an audit of the outgoing government led by President George Manneh Weah. He urged the incoming Boakai administration to learn from the past and avoid repeating the mistakes of the previous government, stressing the need for transparency and accountability.

Looking ahead, Bility, who has ambitions beyond being a Representative, disclosed that he is aiming for a more significant political role in the future. He expressed his support for Vice President-elect Jeremiah Koung and suspended his presidential ambition in favor of contributing from the National Legislature, where he is currently vying for the speakership.

In his bid for the speakership, Bility outlined his vision for bringing sanctity back to the National Legislature, emphasizing a cordial relationship between lawmakers and reporters, mutual respect, and coordination among legislators. He pledged not to compromise the interests of the Liberian people, promising to restore the credibility of the institution that, in his view, has been denigrated over the years.

As the political landscape in Liberia undergoes these seismic shifts, the future remains uncertain for the once unbothered alliance between Senate Pro-Tempore Albert Chie and Representative-elect Musa Hassan Bility. The outcome of the investigations and the subsequent actions taken by the incoming government will undoubtedly shape the trajectory of their relationship and, by extension, the political landscape of Liberia.

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