Former Finance Minister and Gbarpolu County Senator-Elect Reveals Unofficial Election Results

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In a surprising turn of events, the former Finance Minister and newly elected Gbarpolu County Senator have taken the stage to disclose unofficial election results, showcasing a closely contested race. The tally sheets were unveiled, projecting Ambassador Joseph Boakai with 814,248 votes, securing 51% of the total count, while President George Weah follows closely with 792,293 votes, capturing 49% of the preliminary results.

The Unveiling of Tally Sheets

The former Finance Minister and now Senator-Elect orchestrated a dramatic display as he revealed the tally sheets, providing a detailed breakdown of the votes cast in Liberia. The transparency of this action has sparked intense conversations within political circles and among the electorate, raising questions about the reliability of unofficial results and the impact they may have on the overall electoral process.

Ambassador Joseph Boakai’s Triumph

Ambassador Joseph Boakai’s emergence with 814,248 votes, accounting for 51% of the unofficial tally, signifies a significant political achievement. Boakai, a seasoned politician with a wealth of experience, has garnered substantial support from voters, indicating a strong voter base in the across Liberia////-/-/51. The unofficial results project a noteworthy comeback for Boakai, who ran against President George Weah in a closely contested race.

President George Weah’s Close Second

President George Weah, seeking re-election, secured 792,293 votes, representing 49% of the unofficial results. Weah, a former football legend turned politician, has been a prominent figure in Liberian politics. The narrow margin between the two candidates underscores the tight competition and the divided sentiments among the electorate. As the incumbent, Weah faces the challenge of maintaining his support base and addressing concerns raised by those who did not vote in his favor.

Implications for the Political Landscape

The revelation of unofficial results by the former Finance Minister and Gbarpolu County Senator-Elect has injected an element of uncertainty into the political landscape. The potential impact on public opinion, electoral credibility, and the official results remains to be seen. The actions of key political figures during this crucial period can shape the narrative surrounding the election and influence the direction in which the country moves forward.

Call for Calm and Respect for the Electoral Process

As the unofficial results become a focal point of political discourse, it is essential for all stakeholders, including politicians, supporters, and the general public, to exercise patience and respect for the electoral process. The electoral commission plays a pivotal role in verifying and officially announcing results. Premature declarations can sow seeds of mistrust and undermine the democratic principles that the election seeks to uphold.


The public unveiling of unofficial election results by the former Finance Minister and Gbarpolu County Senator-Elect has added a layer of complexity to an already closely contested race. The reported figures of 814,248 votes for Ambassador Joseph Boakai and 792,293 votes for President George Weah indicate a tight competition that will likely have reverberations throughout Liberian politics. As the nation awaits the official announcement from the electoral commission, it is crucial for all parties involved to approach the situation with patience, respect, and a commitment to the democratic process.

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