Elite Presidential Security Escorts Inaugural Leadership: EPS Ensures Safety for Liberia’s New President and Vice President

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In the early hours of a momentous morning, the Executive Protection Service (EPS) of Liberia demonstrated its unwavering commitment to the safety and security of the nation’s top leadership. A convoy of over 20 EPS officers, accompanied by three vehicles, undertook the crucial task of escorting the Incoming President and Vice President to their new roles. This display of precision and professionalism is a testament to the significance and efficiency of Liberia’s elite security force.

The Role of the EPS:

The Executive Protection Service, often likened to the Secret Service in the United States, stands as the vanguard of security for the President, Vice President, the first and second families, and other high-ranking government officials. Established with the primary objective of safeguarding the nation’s leadership, the EPS operates under the explicit instructions of the President.

As the custodians of security, the EPS is trained to handle a spectrum of potential threats, ranging from external dangers to internal security breaches. Their role extends beyond physical protection; they are entrusted with ensuring the smooth functioning of the government by securing its key figures.

A Convoy of Security:

The impressive convoy that graced the streets of Liberia comprised more than 20 EPS officers, a formidable presence designed to deter any potential threats. The officers, highly skilled and meticulously trained, were strategically positioned to secure the safety of the Incoming President, Vice President, and other dignitaries.

Accompanying the officers were three vehicles, each equipped with state-of-the-art security measures to ensure the safety of the occupants. The convoy moved with a sense of purpose, reflecting the professionalism and dedication that are hallmarks of the EPS.

Vice President Elect Sen. Jeremiah Kpan Koung Welcomes the Security Detail:

Upon reaching their destination, the security detail was warmly received by Vice President Elect Sen. Jeremiah Kpan Koung. This symbolic gesture not only underlines the seamless transition of power but also highlights the collaborative effort between the incoming and outgoing administrations in ensuring the continuity of security measures.

Sen. Jeremiah Kpan Koung, recognizing the importance of the EPS, expressed gratitude for the commitment and diligence demonstrated by the security officers. The exchange between the Vice President Elect and the EPS officers underscored the importance of a strong and reliable security apparatus in maintaining the stability and integrity of the nation.


The elaborate security escort provided by the Executive Protection Service for the Incoming President and Vice President stands as a testament to Liberia’s commitment to the safety and continuity of its leadership. The EPS, with its elite team of professionals, plays a pivotal role in preserving the stability and security of the nation. As Liberia welcomes a new chapter in its leadership, the EPS remains steadfast in its mission to protect and serve, ensuring the smooth functioning of the government and the well-being of its highest-ranking officials.

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