CDC-COP Questions the U.S Treasury Department Sanctions

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CDC-COP Questions the U.S Treasury Department Sanctions; Describes the Process as an Indigenous Conspiracy; and Informs U.S President Joe Biden that these Paid to Play Political Sanctions Are a Prominent Reason for the Growing Influence of China and Russia around Africa

Distinguished ladies and gentlemen of the press, fellow Liberians, and Patriots of Liberia’s only political civil rights movement, we bring you distinct greetings from the beacon of intellectual consciousness.

Following the recent sanction and Visa restrictions by the U.S. Department of Treasury, the CDC-COP believes that sanctions have turned into a political commodity, inclined to be placed on anyone as a tool of political suppression.

The CDC-COP disagrees with the recent sanctions and Visa restrictions on the following counts stated within the report:

1) All the allegations within the sanction are regular political cliches usually coming from those who desperately hate Mayor Jefferson T. Koijee and wanted to destroy him for the last 5 years. These regular accusers don’t have any empirical evidence to validate their claims. It’s disheartening that few elements in the U.S. Treasury Department will use the usual propaganda gossips to sanction a person

2) How can an alleged student graduation be equated to human rights abuse? CDC-COP sees this as a copy-and-paste fallacy that further exposes that sanction is a pay-for commodity. Probably the U.S. Treasury Department has forgotten that a student from said graduation was denied entry into America for lying that his life was in danger when you used the Liberian airport to travel after applying for asylum. Using such a case that even America detected the lie and denied the alleged victim justifies our position that some elements viciously targeted Mayor Koijee on pure lies and falsehood.

3) How can you sanction a mayor of Monrovia about a protest that the police disburse the crowd? Is the Mayor the Inspector General of Police? No. Is disbursing a crowd a human rights violation? This cannot be a reason to sanction a person. This is a colossal contradiction without doing due diligence.

4) It is shameful and woeful to sanction a man for having Liberian organizations that support his political aspirations when you have Joshua Belah ( notorious General Butt Naked) and Emmanuel Gonquoi that operates terrorist groups hugely financed by Amara Konneh and controlled by Joseph N. Boakai of the Unity Party. These groups stabbed Momo Tamba and 3 others to death in Foya, Lofa County. These groups wounded and killed citizens in Nimba County on the order of Jeremiah Koung. These Unity Party-sponsored terrorist groups through Peaches Queen Johnson killed Joshua Solomon Gbah. These are human rights abuses on camera but why are those perpetrators not sanctioned?

5) Acussing Mayor Koijee of corruption further exposed the political nature of this sanction in its entirety. This man has never been associated with corruption even his critics are aware of that. But you sanctioned him for allegation of corruption without stating a single instance. Where is the God of due diligence!

6) Placing members of the Senate, Hon. Albert Chie and Hon. James Emmanuel Naqusy on Visa restrictions weeks before the Senate Elections

7) How can Finance and Development Planning Minister, Hon. Samuel D. Tweah be accused of corruption when the American poster statistics institution, Millennium Challenge Scorecard showed that Minister Tweah was the first Finance Minister to pass the effective handling of corruption?

Distinguished ladies and gentlemen of the press, fellow Liberians, the CDC-COP position is a nationalistic one. We are political civil rights activists, that has a moral responsibility to stand up at all times in defence of the sovereignty of our common motherland.

Therefore, the CDC-COP has come to inform the world and the Liberian people about the latest Indigenous Conspiracy that is in play. These sanctions are no coincidence. It’s a strategy targeted at a particular group of people aimed to weaken the native people’s political influence across the motherland. The continuous sanction wave is a calculated plan formulated in Washington by a handful of malicious men lobbying against any native sons and daughters who are identified as an instrument through which the vast majority of our people can be heard.

The Intelligence Bureau of the CDC-COP has accurate information from our sources in Washington that the Unity Party Alliance under the instruction of Joseph N. Boakai has paid for sanctions on the below-listed names, Hon. J. Fonati Koffa, Jeremiah K. Koung, Hon. Prince Moye, Hon. Samora P. Wollokollie, Cllr. Arthur Jonshon, Hon. Thomas P. Fallah, Hon. Wilson Tarpeh, Hon. Finda N. Bundor, Hon. Edwin Snowe, Hon. Acarous Moses Gray, Mr. Pepsi Yekeh, Hon. Eugene Nagbe, Hon. Emma Metieh Glassco, Hon. D. Maxwell Kemeyah, and Mr. Sekou Kalasco Damaro.

The CDC-COP can confidently expose to the Liberian people that in a matter of weeks, months or years, these native sons and daughters listed above will be sanctioned. Not because of any crime but because the Unity Party assumes they are influential people who must be eliminated or silenced. Why should sanctions become a political commodity targeted at a particular group of people? This is a dangerous endeavour that has the propensity to undermine the peace and stability of this country.

With all the human rights violations of Unity Party’s 12 years of misrule and despotism, the intentional and coordinated bankruptcy of NOCAL, can you believe that not a single person was sanctioned by the U.S Treasury Department but today, check the sanction list, you’ll know that the native sons are targeted because few henchmen think they should not be around the government.

Distinguished members of the press, and fellow countrymen, the CDC-COP is calling on Pres. Joe Biden to immediately launch a swift investigation into the form, manner and process in which sanctions are placed on individuals based on allegations without judicial due diligence. We are also calling on President Biden to be aware that Amara Konneh, Stanton Witherspoon, Jerome Verdier and Joseph Boakai are in the business of paying money to sanction their political opponents in Liberia. Mr. Biden, we want you to be cognizant that using sanctions as a political commodity is one of the prominent reasons for the rapidly growing influence of China and Russia around Africa. Ally nations must be treated with respect and not the usual appeasement and intimidation theory. The world order is in the recycling stage. It’s time to unite and not to further divide nations of the world. We seek your immediate intervention in this concocted contradiction.

The Liberian people see the continuous wave of pay-to-play sanctions as an attack on its sovereignty and this undermines the international agreement of interference and participation in another country’s domestic affairs.

To conclude, the CDC-COP is aware that we’re a target of elimination by Joseph N. Boakai and his Unity Party Alliance. Mr. Boakai and his puppets have started to threaten our lives via messages and calls. We want the Liberian people to know that our blood is on the head of Mr. Boakai.

The CDC-COP reminds Liberians about the dangerous days ahead but we can assure our people that political sanctions won’t scare us and we will remain unequivocal at the barricade to interpret the sufferings and contradictions confronting the mass of our people.

CDC-COP remains Liberia’s foremost civil rights political movement that believes in the rule of law, working with all great nations of the world and we will continue to abide by the confines of the law to defeat falsehood with factuality by protecting and defending our cherished sovereignty. We want Mr. Boakai and his affiliates to know that we anticipate more sanctions but you people should also be aware that we will prefer death over intimidation and for this, he should get ready to have our blood on his head.

Using sanctions to think you can silence political opponents is dead upon arrival. We are here to remain standing fearlessly and engaging the status core for the benefit of the vast majority of our people.

Long Live Liberia’s only legitimate civil rights political movement!

Long the the nation’s CDC- Council of Patriots!

” Together, We Will Protect the State!”


National Executive Council

CDC- Council of Patriots

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