Amb. Joseph Boakai Takes Lead in Preliminary Results: A Closer Look at Liberia’s National Elections Commission Report

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In a highly anticipated moment for the citizens of Liberia, the National Elections Commission (NEC) has released its preliminary results for the presidential race, revealing a tight competition between Amb. Joseph Boakai and incumbent President George Weah. As per the latest update, Amb. Joseph Boakai has secured 50.71% of the votes, acquiring 193,041, while President George Weah closely follows with 187,615 votes, representing 49.29% of the preliminary results. This slim margin of 5,426 votes places Amb. Joseph Boakai ahead of President George Weah in the race for Liberia’s presidency.

Historical Context

Liberia, a nation that has experienced periods of political instability and civil unrest, is now at a crucial juncture in its democratic journey. The 2023 presidential election has garnered significant attention both domestically and internationally, as the citizens eagerly await the final results that will determine the direction of the nation for the next term.

Amb. Joseph Boakai’s Lead

Amb. Joseph Boakai, a seasoned diplomat and former vice president, has emerged as the frontrunner in the preliminary results. His accumulated votes, surpassing the 50%, signify a potential victory if these numbers are upheld in the final count. Amb. Joseph Boakai’s political experience and diplomatic background may have resonated with voters looking for stability and international relations expertise.

President George Weah’s Position

President George Weah, a football legend turned politician, faces a challenging path to secure a second term in office. The narrow gap in the preliminary results indicates a closely contested election. President George Weah’s administration has grappled with economic challenges, and the outcome of this election will reflect the electorate’s verdict on his leadership over the past term.

Margin of 5,426 Votes

The margin of 5,426 votes between Amb. Joseph Boakai and President George Weah is a critical factor in this preliminary stage. While it represents a relatively small percentage of the total votes cast, it could potentially influence the final outcome. The closeness of the race underscores the significance of each vote and emphasizes the importance of a transparent and accurate counting process.

The Run-off

With neither candidate surpassing the 50% +1 vote in the initial round of voting, the stage was set for a run-off election. Liberia’s electoral process demands that a candidate must secure more than 50% +1 vote of the total votes to be declared the winner in the first round. As Amb. Joseph Boakai leads in the preliminary results in this second rounds, attention is now shift to the simple majority of having 1 vote over the other candidate will be declare winner.


The preliminary results from the National Elections Commission paint a picture of a closely contested presidential run-off race in Liberia. Amb. Joseph Boakai’s lead, albeit marginal, has positioned him as the frontrunner, while President George Weah faces the challenge of closing the gap as the counting proceed. As the nation eagerly awaits the final results, the democratic process in Liberia continues to unfold, reflecting the will and aspirations of the Liberian people for a stable and prosperous future.

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