Amara Konneh Reveals Unofficial Run-Off Election Results: Calls for Caution and Patience

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In a surprising turn of events, former Finance Minister and Gbarpolu County Senator-elect, Amara Konneh, took to the airwaves on the popular Spoon Talkshow to disclose unofficial run-off election results from the Unity Party’s situation room. Displaying figures that indicated a substantial lead for Ambassador Joseph N. Boakai, Amara Konneh projected a victory for the seasoned diplomat. However, in a move reflective of prudence, he urged Unity Party partisans and the public at large to await the official results from the National Elections Commission (NEC) in Liberia.

Unveiling Unofficial Results:

During the Spoon Talkshow, Amara Konneh revealed what he claimed to be 60.23% of the run-off election results, showcasing a lead for Ambassador Joseph N. Boakai. Konneh’s presentation included a detailed breakdown, projecting Amb. Joseph Boakai to secure 52.4% of the votes, with President George Weah trailing at 47.6%. The revelation took many by surprise, as it came before any official announcement from the NEC.

Cautioning Unity Party Partisans:

While Amara Konneh’s disclosure fueled excitement among Unity Party supporters, he emphasized the need for caution and restraint. Recognizing the significance of official results, Amara Konneh reminded partisans to await the NEC’s formal declaration before celebrating the potential victory. This measured approach reflects a commitment to upholding democratic principles and maintaining public trust in the electoral process.

Prudent Leadership Amidst Unofficial Revelations:

Amara Konneh’s decision to share unofficial results demonstrates leadership within the Unity Party. By providing information to the public, he sought to keep partisans informed and engaged in the electoral process. However, by simultaneously urging caution, he exemplifies the importance of respecting the official channels and the NEC’s role in delivering accurate, verified results.

Potential Implications and Challenges:

While the unofficial disclosure may have energized Unity Party supporters, it also raises questions about the ethics of preemptively announcing election results. The NEC is responsible for the formal declaration of results, and unofficial announcements have the potential to influence public perceptions and sow confusion. Amara Konneh’s call for patience acknowledges these potential challenges and seeks to mitigate any negative impact.


Amara Konneh’s revelation of unofficial run-off election results on the Spoon Talkshow has added an unexpected twist to Liberia’s political landscape. While the disclosure ignited enthusiasm among Unity Party supporters, Amara Konneh’s simultaneous call for caution and patience underscores the importance of awaiting official results from the NEC. As the nation anticipates the final outcome of the election, Amara Konneh’s leadership and measured approach serve as a reminder of the importance of respecting the democratic process and maintaining public trust in electoral institutions. The coming days will reveal the true winners, and Liberia will continue to navigate the path of democracy with the eyes of the nation fixed on the NEC’s official announcement.

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