Allegations of Misappropriation: Former Deputy Commerce Minister Jemima Wolokolie Calls for Investigation into SME Funding

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In a shocking turn of events, former Deputy Commerce Minister Jemima Wolokolie has accused the Ministry of Commerce & Industry (MOCI) of misappropriating millions of United States dollars intended for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Liberian entrepreneurs. The allegations suggest that the funds were distributed to the family, friends, and supporters of the ruling party, the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), after the defeat of President George Weah in the Presidential run-off to Ambassador Joseph Nyumah Boakai.

The SME sector is crucial for economic development in Liberia, providing employment opportunities and fostering entrepreneurship. Recognizing the significance of supporting SMEs, the government allocated substantial funds to promote their growth and sustainability. However, the recent accusations by Jemima Wolokolie raise concerns about the misuse of these funds for personal and political gains.

Allegations and Accusations:

According to Jemima Wolokolie, the funds meant for SMEs were instead directed towards individuals with personal connections to the Ministry, including family members, friends, and members of the CDC. The former Deputy Commerce Minister claims that this unethical distribution of funds occurred following the defeat of President George Weah in the Presidential run-off election.

Furthermore, Wolokolie asserts that those receiving the funds should be aware that the disbursement is illegal. She has taken a bold step by cautioning recipients and, more significantly, calling on the president-elect, Ambassador Joseph N. Boakai, to thoroughly investigate the alleged misappropriation of SME funds when he assumes the presidency in January.

Legal Implications:

If proven true, the misappropriation of funds intended for SMEs carries significant legal consequences. Embezzlement and mismanagement of public funds are serious offenses that undermine the principles of good governance and economic development. The Liberian legal system must thoroughly investigate these allegations and hold those responsible accountable for their actions.

Call for Investigation:

Jemima Wolokolie’s call for an investigation into the SME fundings demonstrates her commitment to transparency, accountability, and the rule of law. As Liberia prepares for a transition of power, it is crucial to address these allegations promptly to maintain public trust and confidence in the government.

The president-elect, Ambassador Joseph N. Boakai, faces the responsibility of ensuring a fair and impartial investigation into these allegations. The credibility of his administration will be at stake, and a thorough inquiry is necessary to either confirm or dispel the doubts surrounding the use of SME funds.


The allegations made by former Deputy Commerce Minister Jemima Wolokolie regarding the misappropriation of SME funds demand urgent attention and thorough investigation. The integrity of Liberia’s economic development initiatives relies on the responsible and ethical use of public funds allocated for crucial sectors like SMEs. As the nation awaits the assumption of power by President-elect Ambassador Joseph N. Boakai, it is essential to prioritize transparency, accountability, and the rule of law to foster a climate of trust and confidence in the government.

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